Insecure IT News
Insecure IT News
Jan 8, 2020: Project90, TikTok, Ransomware

Jan 8, 2020: Project90, TikTok, Ransomware

This is your Insecure IT News update for Jan 8, 2020, I am Branden Ushio

From InfoSecurity: Google has tweaked its Project Zero disclosure policy —

From The Hacker News: Tiktok SMS Vulnerability —

From Graham Cluley: Las Vegas Shutdown by Ransomware —

And this last story is a bit of a twofer and so

From Graham Cluely and Threatpost: Travelex is still down and they are dealing with it poorly —

That is your daily InsecureIT News update. If you would like to support the show head over to and subscribe to receive daily email briefings and until Next Time: 99 little bugs in the code, take one down, pass it around, 139 little bugs in the code

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